Record of FHG meeting 20/6/24


Record of meeting 20th June 2024

Present: J.B., A.C., M.L., D.M.

Ringinglow Ramble Part I

For this summer solstice evening’s meeting we explored aspects of Ringinglow. AC has written four pieces about Ringinglow which are available on the FHG website – see reference list at end of these notes. The area has been known/recorded as ‘Ringin Lowe, Ringing Lawe’ and ‘Ringinglowe’, (see Harvey, 2001 for etymology and Crutch, 2023 for ancient historical background). Until around the early 20th century, this was an industrial as well as farming area. It included quarries, mines, a wire mill and Copperas House.

1855 (click on image for link to map) Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland

1898 Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland

1924 (click on image for link to map) Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland

1947 (click on image for link to map) Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland→

  1. We met at the layby opposite the Norfolk Arms; tractors were passing frequently between Sheephill Road and Hangram Lane as they transported hay – a process which had been going on from early that morning. Go back a hundred or so years and this would have been a similar scene on a dry June evening, but with horses pulling the hay wagons: Hall, 1974 contains photos of early twentieth century haymaking at Bole Hill Farm land and Brown Hills Field
  2. We looked for evidence (e.g. boundary walls, types of vegetation) of the Weigh House which used to stand at this corner (Crutch 2023)
  3. We also considered the evidence of mining and source of the Limb Brook in Lady Canning’s Plantation and the ‘Ring of Firs’ a little further west from the Ringinglow cross roads (see Hall 1974 and Crutch 2023)

Firs and bulge in wall 1855 and present

           Google Maps

1855 map reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland

4. We then walked round the corner onto Sheephill Road and crossed the stile into Barberfields to look at evidence of coal mining, the remains of Copperas House and other features: DM pointed out the spoil heap and referred us to FoPV report August 2006; AC shared maps and information; there are remains rail tracks but we didn’t explore that far

We discussed roads and tracks in the area:

  1. important links between Derbyshire, Cheshire, Manchester and Sheffield
  2. transportation of goods such as lead (Smeltings Farm nearby)
  3. the evidence of Roman roads, the Houndkirk Road, Ringinglow as a turnpike road, how roads developed and became more or less significant (see Hall & Blackwell, 1972 pp 20-21 and Crutch 2023)

5. We retraced our steps over the stile and considered the buildings edging Sheephill Road

    1. Moor Cottage – formerly Moorcot/Moorcott- which was built on the site of Moorcock Hall in 1911, according to Hall, 1974, p. 38
    2. The Mission – formerly Ringinglow Church (Crutch 2023 and pages 39-40 of Hall 1974)
    3. The Round House (Crutch 2023 and Hall & Blackwell 1972, pp 20-21)
    4. The ‘low’ suffix of Ringinglow indicates a large pile of stones which could have been a barrow (Harvey, 2001); Crutch, (2023), suggests a site for these stones could lie somewhere between the present day Moor Cottage and The Norfolk Arms


6. We crossed Ringinglow Road and looked at evidence of the former wire mill; a resident of the cottage kindly showed us the outbuildings where the milling took place (see Crutch 2023)

We noticed the signs carved into the kerbstones on the corner of Ringinglow Road and Fulwood

7. Walking east past the Norfolk Arms, there is a Victorian wall letter box and by the car park exit there is the milestone CITY OF SHEFFIELD 5 MILES TO TOWN HALL; the reference to city dates the stone as post 1893; perhaps it replaced an earlier milestone which stood here when Ringinglow Road was a turnpike (1758 – 1825)

8. Next meeting/walk 18th July – meet at Ringinglow layby 7pm for Ringinglow Ramble Part II


Crutch, A. (2023) Four Posts Giving a brief history of Ringinglow. Fulwood History Group.

Friends of the Porter Valley. (2006). Mining and Quarrying in the Porter Valley – Delving Into the Past. Friends of the Porter Valley.

Hall, M. and Blackwell, R. (1972). The Mayfield Valley. Mail Graphic

Hall, M. (1974). More of the Mayfield Valley with Old Fulwood. J. W. Northend Ltd

Harvey, P. (2001).  Street Names of Sheffield; The stories behind Sheffield’s street names. Sheaf Publishing.



Record of FHG Meeting 16/5/24

Record of Fulwood History Group Meeting 16/5/24

Present: J.B., A.C., R.F., M.G., M.L., C.M., D.M., J.P. & K. P. + 1

A Ranmoor Ramble : for this meeting we strayed off Fulwood territory

Link to 1906 map of area

We met at Ranmoor St John’s and heard about MG’s Scissors Paper Stone project

We then walked north up Ranmoor Park Road which included:

  • site of Ballard Hall: named after Alderman Ballard: Chairman, National Co-operative Party; member of Sheffield City Council; Chairman, United Sheffield Hospitals, Board of Governors
  • Ranmoor Parish Centre – Ranfall – in late 40s was Ranfall Nurses’ Home
  • Impressive house at 16 Tapton Park Road
  • Triangular green
  • Where Ranmoor Park Road ends at ‘The Rigi’, which forms a cul-de-sac; discussed reasons for its name, its boundary wall

Left down Ranmoor Crescent which included DM’s explanation of inscriptions seen on telegraph poles

Onto Ranmoor Road – including discussion of remarkable drain covers

Ramble concluded at Ranmoor Inn.

N.B. Graham Hague’s piece from The Star 29/12/20 covers some similar ground

Next meeting/walk 20th June – details tbc

Record of FHG Meeting 18/4/24

Record of Fulwood History Group meeting 18th April 2024

Present: D.A., J.B., A.C., M.L., C.M., D.M., J.P. & K. P.

  • Discussion around Fulwood Society documents over period 1970s-90s which are being looked through by group members: newsletters, letters, photos, press cuttings etc. E.g.
    1. Lost Dore – Fulwood Path 1977
    2. Wire Mill Dam boating (1975) & Hallam Ski Club Activities (1972 & 82) – useful for this year’s Heritage Open Days focus
    3. The 12” to a mile maps reproduced by society – AC shared one of these from c.1951; the number of sports grounds noted, even in the rural, farming outskirts of Fulwood; considered the possible reasons for this
    4. Fulwood Old Road coffee house and item relating to Hewlett 1895
    5. Richardson 1931 booklet History of Fullwood: page 5 recounts old route to Fulwood with suggestion that Birks Green was situated at Whiteley Lane; indicates fluidity of places and how they’re identified – a recurring theme
  • Stumperlowe Hall in the 1920s was divided in two; discussion about use of land here and elsewhere in Fulwood and how it was sold off
  • Historic England’s Missing Pieces project: see also link on FHG Facebook page; JP gave great example of a potential contribution to this,(house with listed railings on Taptonville Rd); each member of the group has much to offer to this and it’s a valuable way of recording valuable local information which can be used now and in the future – plug from JB!
  • Fulwood History website – there seem to be two: KP has since clarified this
  • Friends of Ecclesall Woods event on July 13th to be held at café/Discovery Centre area: ‘What have you Found?’ JB asked for volunteers if anyone interested in covering stall for a couple of hours
  • DA reflected on Ranmoor Society talk given by Catherine Warr on 16th April: A Yorkshire Year: Folklore, customs and traditions and how the creation of folklore, myths and legends is a continuous process – the Mi Amigo story is an example of this; see also Hallam University’s Centre for Contemporary Legend
  • DA reminded group about Fulwood Church archive: KP/DA to contact FL to arrange a meeting with group
  • Organising walks instead of/in addition to indoor meetings in coming months e.g. on the trails of the Oak Brook and the Griffin Sick
  • DM passed next batch of Fulwood Society documents on to JB and AC to look at over the coming month
  • Next meeting: 16th May 2024

Record of FHG Meeting 21/3/24


Present: D.A., J.B., A.C., M.L., C.M., D.M., J.P. & K. P.

  1. General discussion around trails, tracks, holloways, desire paths with reference to recent talk given on Packhorse Routes of the Rivelin Area by Melanie Fitzgerald of Heritage Highways; also discussed current measures taken to manage water around Hallamshire, Chorley Roads and Slayleigh area; local brickworks and quarries – see Ranmoor Historical Society notes for August 2022
  2. AC shared Upper Hallam sections of Scurlfield’s 1986 reconstructed map of John Harrison’s 1637 An Exact and Perfect Survey of the Manor of Sheffield; many interesting features were pored over, e.g., Burnt Stones – theories around name relate to William the Conqueror and (more likely), that iron smelting took place in the area and Hell Hole – see page 54 of Hall’s More of the Mayfield Valley (1974); Link to Scurfield’s full article in the Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, vol 58, pp147-173
  3. AC shared Ronksley’s 1908 transcription of Harrison’s 1637 survey
  4. JB asked group to add to FHG website post about Stumperlowe Mansions visit on 10th March
  5. AC shared map from early 19th century(?) showing area around Ringinglow Road which fell into Derbyshire at that time
  6. Brooklands Tennis Club – formerly at numbers 45/47 Brooklands Avenue; KP exploring history of site; led to discussion of newspapers/journalism, focus of articles and how this evolved over turn of 19th/20th centuries
  7. CM shared article he’s written about Fulwood Skiing Club: he will send it to ML for publication on FHG website
  8. HoD – sport and recreation in Fulwood 
      1. Hallam Grange Tennis Club
      2. Fulwood Sports Club
      3. Brooklands Tennis Club
      4. Dixons’ and Rogers’ sports grounds opposite the Guild Hall
      5. Bowling Green House
      6. Old Fulwood Road – tennis courts and sports associated with Hammer & Pincers
      7. Forge Dam – skating, swimming and diving
      8. Wire Mill Dam – model boat racing; concrete blocks which were used to support staging for this are still in situ
      9. See Ranmoor Historical Society notes August 2022 for article on this subject

9. DM shared the collection of Fulwood Society documents he introduced in last month’s meeting; JB and AC borrowing them until next meeting

10. KP asked about stone markers he’d come across on a footbath leading between Cottage Lane and Ringinglow Road inscribed with letters SEO and EH; referred to as boundary markers on p. 99 of JB’s Dog Walks book – perhaps connected with nearby reservoirs; also curious markers embedded in field adjoining ‘Waggy’s Field’ on Whiteley Woods Road: Any info on the purposes of these would be great

Next meeting: 18th April 2024

Record of FHG meeting 15/2/24

Record of FULWOOD HISTORY GROUP MEETING 15th February 2024

Present: D.A., J.B., M.L., C.M., D.M., J.P. & K. P.

  • KP shared George Cunningham painting depicting Brookhouse Hill1920; discussion of its houses, shops and cottages
  • DM shared selection of documents from the Fulwood Society which have come into his possession; included minutes of meetings, map, writing of Muriel Hall; decision made that after FHG members have had opportunity to look through the papers, they will be passed on to Sheffield City Archives as a revokable loan
  • KP shared 1908 map of Nether Green shops area; sparked DM memory of Woodward’s Electrical shop from 1940s/50s
  • Forge Dam boating lake rescue: photo shared by DA and people involved remembered by DM
  • Stumperlowe Mansions – see December meeting notes – ML organising visit for 10th March
  • Heritage Open Days September 2024: theme is Routes, Networks, Connections e.g. transport routes, communication networks, trade unions and social clubs; agreed FHG theme of Fulwood’s sports clubs, beginning at Hallam Grange Sports Club, and finishing at Old Fulwood Road
  • Mi Amigo Flypast 22nd February; discussion of the memorial
  • ML told us about U3A archaeology group he is organising; led to JP telling us about Broomhill Library’s Percy Caine garden and Uni of Sheffield’s Roots and Futures project
  • KP suggested coffee mornings which could be way of reaching out to community
  • Next meeting: 21st February 2024

Record of FHG meeting 18/1/24


Present: D. A., J.B., A. C., M.L., J.P. & K. P.

  1. Website payment settled with thanks to AC
  2. Sheffield Heritage Fair 2025: KP suggested combined stall with Ranmoor Society
  3. Heritage Open Days September 2024: theme is Routes, Networks, Connections e.g. transport routes, communication networks, trade unions and social clubs; initial ideas shared e.g.
    • guided walk with suitability for groups of people
    • based around shops
    • Forge Dam
    • Woofindin area
    • A walk round the block with FHG
    • Where roads/lanes meet (e.g. Fulwood Road, Brookhouse Hill area)
    • Fulwood’s lost greens
    • Fulwood’s sports clubs

4.  A.C. shared c1935 map of area which sparked discussion around:

  • development of northern suburbs of Fulwood
  • Lodge Moor Hall
  • the Black Brook and Elliot stone
  • the Oak Brook
  • Crimicar Lane Hospital
  • sewage/waterworks across the area

5. KP. shared information about Gilcrest wood – building on last month’s discussion:

  • plans relating to land purchases around 1900s with view to building development which wasn’t realised
  • Castlewood Drive area development in 1930s
  • variations in naming for this area – 1700s Goulhirst, Gallhirst and Gilcrest and links to Goole/Gold
  • air raid shelter built into the slope of the land which was lost beneath 1980s housing on Canterbury Crescent

6. Involvement of Rotherham-based solicitors in land transactions noted

7. JB. shared extract from Reminiscences of Henry Coward (1919) which recalls performance for Plimsoll at Whiteley Woods Hall, probably around 1866

8. A.C. shared photos showing Fulwood area in past times

9. Everyone agreed wording to accompany AC’s article in Fulwood Messenger; led to discussion of Fulwood Chapel and when it was a boarding school run by the Misses Rhodes around 1880s

10. Website development

11. Everyone encouraged to contribute articles etc. to website

12. Reviewing chapters of KP’s book

13. Next meeting: 15th February 2024

Record of FHG Meeting 21/12/23


Present: D. A., J.B., A. C., M.L., C. M., J.P. & K. P.

  1. K.P. shared selected Minutes of Council Meetings 1915-18, (kept at Local Studies Library); these relate to widening and lighting of Fulwood Road. Dr. Inkster is mentiond: Samuel Macaulay Inkster was born in 1848 in Shetland and was one of Sheffield’s Certifying Factory Inspectors in the early days of health and safety
  2. A.C. shared research into Ringinglow, including Roundhouse
  3. A.C. shared research into Whiteley Woods Hall and Phoebe Silcock’s brother which led to discussion around the ways in which medical conditions were understood and labelled
  4. Paths and roads: recent publication of Fullwood Hall – the First 600 Years (Hostombe & Crutch) sparked discussion of siting and construction of Harrison Lane, rights of way, comparisons with Longshaw estate, causeways, cart tracks and footpaths, (recommended book on this topic by archaeologist Jim Leary: Footmarks – A Journey into our Restless Past (2023))
  5. K.P. shared copy of brochure for newly built Stumperlowe Mansions c.1938; notable in its promotion of gas as form of power, quality of its architectural style, its fittings and furnishings (supplied by Cockaynes), as well as social aspect; ML’s connection with the site and waterway running through it
  6. D.A. shared late 18th century field maps relating to Fulwood Spring – could this be the spa? Fieldnames with ‘spring’ and ‘well’, probably located in woodland between Woodcliffe and Hangram Lane: needs further investigation
  7. D.A. shared maps relating to Crimicar Lane’s Goulhirst woodland area; discussion around naming/misnaming/evolution of names – Goole, Goul, Gilchrest
  8. Bower Hill Farm and its last residents c.1950s
  9. Goole Green hamlet dating from the 18th century at least until the late 1960s: buildings included Goole Green Farm with its surviving barn, (Guild Hall), Goole Green House and Goole Green Cottage; members of that community remembered by D.A. as well as members of local FB groups
  10. M.L. demonstrated a test website he’s developing and its search facility/database; feedback given about the usability of the online web search for Fulwood addresses and Census data; group encouraged to visit the website and give further feedback on search facilities
  11. More discussion of memories of Fullwood Hall
  12. Sports grounds: large number of sports fields in area; often belonged to works sports clubs such as Dixon’s Cornish Works; indicates philanthropic/paternalistic attitudes of factory owners towards workers
  13. Next meeting: 18th January 2024; no February open meeting; writing/posting on FHG site encouraged in meantime

Notes of FHG Meeting 16/11/23

Present: JB, ML, CM, J&KP

1 Remembrance Day ceremony which took place at Fulwood War Memorial on 12th.

  • People involved
  • Land around the war memorial – ownership and use

2            FHG website update

  • Connected to importance of keeping record of our meetings
  • Way to keep relatively large number of people connected
  • Design, accessibility, structure and functionality: Matthew took notes
  • Posting and adding longer articles
  • Current contributions to the site
  • Looked at C. Jenkins’ Stumperlowe article on site and wondered about source of this and the ‘Stump’ burial story

3   Archaeological connections: Matthew shared pictures of neolithic (?) quern-         stone sites on Ringinglow moors from his work with Dr. Tim Cockrell and team from Sheffield Uni; led to discussion of rock art in Ecclesall woods and elsewhere in our area

4 Discussion around nature of our memories and our histories

5 House numbering: included Stand’ area and racecourses in Broomhill & Redmires

6  Rights of way and local developments included

  • Field behind Scout Hut
  • Artic Monkeys

7  Looked through Histories ‘n’ Oddities ‘r’ Old Fulwood (HOOF) – booklets 1, 6 & 7.  These were written, (probably over the last decade), by Susan Hedges who used to live at Beech Dene cottages

8  Future plans

  • Next meeting – Thursday December 21st – mince pies?
  • Set out rough plan for future meetings, including large ones
  • To develop knowledge for collecting oral histories
  • Possibility of having a ‘booth’ at events to collect people’s recollections

A Sharing Meeting

At our second meeting last Thursday, members shared something about their research that intrigued, frustrated or surprised them.

Where does Griffin Sick flow?

Jane is studying old maps and the landscape to find out which stream flowing down to the Porter from the hillside rising to Hallam Head is the one called the Griffin Sick or Syke. There’s a reference to Griffin Sick Lane on the maps that Schofield recreated from Harrison’s C17th surveys.

Family mementos

David shared some funeral documents that have been in his family starting in the 1880s through to the 1960s. The star amongst the sexton’s and undertakers’ bills was a beautiful ‘in memoriam’ card with decorated edges.

The First Burial

Judith told us about the first burial in Fulwood churchyard. This was of Henry Dawes who died in January 1839 aged 16 months. Judith then told us about Henry’s family.

A Soldier’s Medals

Ray talked about his efforts to find out about his house that had been built in the 1920s. Frustratingly the 1939 register only recorded the house-keeper so he had not discovered anything of the occupants at the outbreak of war. He showed us a commercially produced house history. He has access to the plans of the house next door.
Ray also showed a set of WW2 medals that had been awarded to a soldier [name required] and then given to a local Royal British Legion branch. The medals traced the history of the war from el Alamein through the Italian campaign to the D-Day landings. Ray now hopes to discover something of the soldier’s life.

A Fatal Accident

Alan brought a story he’d found in the Telegraph published in 1853. The story was an account of the inquest. and told of an accident that befell Mrs and Mrs Marsh of Lydgate Hall. They had gone for a drive one evening in a Phaeton carriage. Going down Harrison Lane, something spooked the horse which started to go faster resulting in the carriage overturning. Mrs Marsh was thrown from the carriage incurring fatal injuries.

A Political Woman

Keith shared a story about Ada Moore, a Fulwood inhabitant in the period of WW1. He described how an article in the Telegraph contained some facts that seemed to be implausible. Using census data and Wikipedia he found an explanation for the inaccuracy and a link to John Maynard Keynes.

All these stories elicited many questions and comments and showed a wide range of interests.

Our next meetingThis is on 15th December when we will look at some online resources including Find My Past and
Ancestry along with probate records, We will look at records of births and deaths and associated religious ceremonies. We will also look at Military records such as the CWGC site and personnel records.