Richardson’s Story of Fulwood

This is a small booklet written by Henry Richardson and published in 1931. We don’t know why he wrote it. In its 8 pages, he recounts how some of the older buildings came into existence.

John Henry Richardson was an accountant.He was born in 1862 in Sheffield to Henry, a coal merchant, and Eliza. As a young man he found employment with a firm of Drapers, likely to be J R Robert Ltd with premises at Townhead Street. He married Lavinia Case at the Weston Street Chapel on March 20th 1889 and their first child was born  in 1891. At the turn of the century, Richarson had ceased using his first name and was a cashier at the Drapery store. The family, now with 3 children was living on Crookesmoor Road.

Ten years later, the family was at Nethergreen and in 1912 they moved into No 139 Crimicar Lane. After Henry’s death in 1932, Lavinia continued to lived in  the house, along with her daughter who was a teacher.

It is possible that writing the pamplet was a retirement project for Henry.

I have scanned the document and reproduced it, using different images where approriate but keeping much of the original wording.

The booklet is here

One thought on “Richardson’s Story of Fulwood

  1. Thanks for sharing the booklet and for the background information on Richardson. This seems like a relatively unknown perspective of Fulwood’s history, written by an amateur local historian who, like us, was curious and wanted to share knowledge and ideas. It was another 40 years before Muriel Hall produced her books and I’m not aware of anything published on the subject between Richardson and Hall.

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