Biographies from the First World War (names Me – Mu)

Some of these biographies have not yet been written. If you would like to research one of these men, please get in touch.

The Merryweathers were brothers so they have a common biography here

Cecil Edward Merryweather
Charles Gordon Merryweather
James White Merryweather
Reginald Merryweather

W Mills
H Mills
W H Mills
J Mitton
H W Monks
Francis Hirst Moore
W C Moore
A Morley
2nd Lieutenant Lachlan Allan Morrison
A H Morton
J A Morton
R Morton
J Muir
J Muirhead

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A Ba-Bi Bl-Br Bu-By C D-E
F G Ha-He Hi-Hu I-K L
Ma-Mc Me-Mu N-O P R Sa-Sn
So-Sw T-V Wa-Wh Wi-Wy